vibrating cock ring for extra pleasure during intercourse-Kimono Maxx Flared Large Size Condoms

Pack Size: 12-Pack 24-Pack

Kimono Maxx Flared Condom Banner

Kimono Maxx Flared Condoms (LARGE Size)

👉Barely There Feeling!
👉.057mm Thin Sensitive Latex.
👉No Parabens or Glycerin in the silicone lubricant
👉5X Tested, Exceeds US & International (ISO) standards


Kimono Maxx Flared Large Condoms


Kimono MAXX condoms are truly unique. They are longer than average (200mm) and are slightly wider than average (54mm) up the shaft of the condom; however, at the head of the condom, the condom flares out to 60mm in diameter for a more comfortable feel.

The additional headroom combined with thinner than average latex makes Maxx a Condomaniac favorite.


Kimono Maxx Flared Large Condoms


Kimono condoms are known around the world for sensitivity, performance, and strength.


Kimono Maxx Flared Large Condoms


The premium silicone lubricant is super smooth and also paraben and glycerin-free. An extra room where it counts most, as well as silky latex 20 percent thinner than average.


Kimono Maxx Flared Large Condoms